Saturday, February 9, 2013

Higher & Technical Education

Directorate of Higher & Technical Education, headed by Head of Department (designated Director of Higher  & Technical Education) has been established as a separate Department as a result of the trifurcation of Education Department in April 1989 with the Administrative Head of Department being headed by the Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Education  & Human Resource Development, Higher  & Technical Education Department. This Directorate deals with Higher Education from Collegiate level upwards including Science  & Technical Education in the State with the approval of Administrative Head of Department. At present, under the jurisdiction of Higher & Technical Education, there are as many as 8 (eight) Govt. Colleges, 12 (twelve) Deficit Colleges, 5 (five) Private Colleges including 1 (one) Law College and 2 (two) Open University Colleges. There are two Teacher Training Colleges and one of which is of Mizoram Hindi Training College. Altogether, there are 27 Collegiate Institutions under this Department. Proposal for provincialisation of 12 Deficit Colleges is submitted to the Government through Administrative Head of the Department. Mizoram Scholarship Board which looks after the Post Matric Scholarship of Centrally Sponsored Scheme, for students belonging to Scheduled Tribes of bonafide residents of Mizoram, is also under the Charge of this Directorate

Again, as the name implies, this Department handles Technical Education in the State. There are 2 (two) Polytechnics Institutes viz Mizoram Polytechnic, Lunglei, which imparts a 3 (three) years Diploma Course in Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering recognized by All India Council for Technical Education for such Courses, and Women Polytechnic, Durtlang, Aizawl, which is established with the approval of All India Council for Technical Education since 1998. This Institute has building of its own and imparts Courses like Electronics  & Telecommunication Engineering, Modern Office Practice, BCC and Garment Technology etc.

This Department also looks after the students of NERIST, Arunachal Pradesh and also about 100 engineering Students are admitted against the reserved seats for Mizoram State Quota. Students pursuing various Technical Courses are given assistance in the form of Stipend, Book Grants etc.

In order to upgrade the standards and to facilitate the functioning of Higher  & Technical Education in Mizoram, the Directorate has to take up various schemes such as upgradation of Colleges as per UGC Norms in staffing pattern, upgrading of Private Colleges into Deficit Grants-in-aid and provincialisation.
To maintain uniformity of standards among the Colleges, financial assistance in the form of re-curring and non-recurring grants are given to Colleges. Financial assistance is also available to the students for specific purposes, etc. It has also established and looked after Collegiate Hostels in various places in and outside the State.

Engagement of Guest Lecturer is applicable to the Govt./Deficit Colleges/CTE/MPL/WPA and MHTC. Engagement of Guest Lecturer term will be as follows :-

May to November - Where regular Lecturers had already been appointed and where classes are in full swing.

Feb – 15th Dec. - For a new deployed where regular Lecturers are not appointed.

As stated above, this Directorate is required to make separate Sections/Wings for smooth functioning of day to day administration to implement Rules, Regulations, manual, Schemes and Records for which the following sections/Wing have been established :-

II.a) Administration and establishment Section :
This Section handles the establishment like Service matter relating to the employees of Higher  & Technical Education, Upgrading the standards and facilitate the functioning of Higher  & Technical Education in Mizoram, implementing various schemes such as upgradation of Colleges as per UGC Norms in staffing pattern, upgradation of Private Colleges into Deficit Grants-in-aid status and provincialisation, appointment of Guest Lecturers, forming of Governing Body of Private College/Deficit Colleges, Posting and transfer of Non-Gazetted Officers under Higher  & Technical Education and maintenance of Staff Welfare etc. etc.

II.b) Technical Section : As per the guideline of All India Council for Technical Education, Technical Cell/Section/Wing was set up in April 1994 under Directorate of Higher  & Technical Education. It is also function as the Secretariat of Mizoram State Council for Technical Education. This Technical Cell controls the Academic (TE) matter only. This Technical cell is combined with Examination Cell.

II.(b)(i) Functions & Duties :

1) Selection of candidates for Higher Technical Studies (i.e Degree  & Diploma Courses)
2) To issue marksheets and Certificates of Diploma Courses in Polytechnics and Regional Institute of Paramedical & Nursing Sciences in the name of MSCTE.
3) To review and revise the Curriculum
4) To arrange training for students and faculty.
5) To give stipend and book grant for Polytechnics and NERIST
6) To inspect the Institution as per AICTE norms under State Level Committee for the approval of AICTE
7) To develop the Technical Education
8) To promote Community/Rural Development on Scientific lines for Community Polytechnic Scheme as per guidelines and norms of Community Polytechnic through Executive Committee, Advisory Committee and State Level Review Committee.
9) To give apprenticeship training for the pass out student.
10) To maintain and conduct the NVET through the Institution.
11) To look after MSCTE as Secretariat and do all the matter relating to MSCTE
12) To do all the matter relating Technical Education.

II.(b)(ii) List of Examinations conducted by Examination Cell (Technical Cell) in the name of MSCTE :
Name of Exam    No. of time Time of Exam (tentative)

1. Term/Semester End Twice in a year for Polytechnics    June  & December
2. Compartmental Exams Twice in a year for Polytechnics    March  & August
3. Final Exam., RIPAN    Once in a year August
4. Supplementary Exam    -do- December RIPAN
5. Mizoram Polytechnic    -do- May Entrance Exam
6. Entrance Exam for RIPAN    -do- July (Diploma Course)
7. Technical Selection    -do- May
8. Selection of candidate for Diploma for Outside States    -do-June
9. Selection of Candidates for    -do- May University of Hyderabad
10. NERIST Entrance    -do- May
11. DOEACC Exam     twice in a year June  & July
12. Bio- Informatics     -do- -do-

II.(b)(iii) List of Courses Offer by the institution with the intake Capacity.

Name of Course Intake Capacity Name of Institution
1. Diploma in Civil Engg. 30 MPL
2. Diploma in Electrical Engg. 30 -do-
3. Diploma in Mechanical Engg. 20 -do-
4. Computer Sc.  & Engg 30 -do-
5. Electro  & Telecommunication Engg. 30 WPA
6. Modern Office Practice 30 -do-
7. BCC 20 -do-
8. Garment Technology 20 -do-
10. ECG 30 -do-
11. Ophthalmic Technology 30 -do-
12. Pharmacy 30 -do-
13. MLT 30 -do-

II.(c) Mizoram Scholarship Board :
The Mizoram Scholarship Board under Directorate of Higher  & Technical Education, Aizawl is established to implement various schemes relating to Students’ Welfare and is headed by Jt.Director-cum-Secretary, Mizoram Scholarship Board who is also Drawing  & Disbursing Officer under Scheduled III of Financial Delegation of Power.

II.(d) Quality Assurance Cell (QAC):
Quality Assurance Cell is established as an unit of the Higher  & Technical Education in 2004. This cell is headed by Officer-in-charge (OC) pulled from Senior Officer Higher  & Technical Education Sector, Mizoram. It is, otherwise, the operational Administrative Unit of the State Level Quality Assurance Coordination Committee (SLQACC). It functions under the guidance and supervision of the SLQACC through the Director, Higher  & Technical Education. Quality Assurance Cell (QAC), in fact, acts as a nodal agency between the Higher Education Institutions of the State and the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC).

The main duties and functions are :

• To conduct awareness programmes throughout the State on quality assurance related issues.
• To motivate the Colleges and other Higher Education Institutions in State to undergo Assessment and Accreditation to be prepared in consultation with NAAC.
• To assist NAAC in initiating post accreditation quality sustenance measures in the State.
• To help NAAC in achieving the targets of assessment and accreditation in the case of affiliated Colleges.
• To advise the State Government to initiate suitable measures for ascertaining the maintenance of minimum standards in higher education institutions.
• To advise the NAAC on Quality Assurance activities to be take up by the Higher Education institutions in the State for achieving globally acceptable standards.

For operationalization of the Quality Assurance Cell, the Directorate, Higher  & Technical Education, receives recurring annual grants of Rs. 1,20,000/- towards payment of contractual staff called Quality Service Assistant and Quality Service Volunteer and Stationery expenditure. This support will be till the end of Xth plan period.

II.(e) State Project Implementation Unit:

II.(e)(i) Background of Technical Institutions.
Mizoram State through having the highest percentage of literacy in India but yet has to go along way especially in areas of Technical Education. Technical Education is still in its initial stage of development in Mizoram. There used to be only one Polytechnic called Mizoram Polytechnic, Lunglei which was established in 1981. The second Polytechnic called Women Polytechnic, Aizawl was established with the permission of AICTE at Aizawl only in September, 1998 in a rented house. The education in the State is highly Arts biased that while there are still numerous employment opportunities in technical fields, un-employment percentage is very high due to the presence of considerable number of Arts Colleges producing a great number of Arts Graduates every year. To solve the un-employment problems in technical field and to supply the required technical manpower to cater to the need of the State, it is necessary to develop technical education at a fast pace.

While there are as many as 360 High Schools and 33 (thirty three) Arts Colleges of degree level in the State, as stated above, there are only 2 (two) Polytechnics. Although the Government of Mizoram feels the necessity of improving technical education both in infrastructure and quality, it is not in a position to solve the problems at present or in the near future due to extreme financial constraints.

II.(e)(ii) Current arrangement for managing the technical education system in the State.
Though there is a Separate Budget head for Technical Education right from creation of Education Department in the State, there is no separate Directorate of Technical Education in Mizoram. At present, Technical Education is placed under the Directorate of Higher  & Technical Education. The Directorate of Higher  & Technical Education is now looking after 2 (two) existing Polytechnics and all matters relating to Technical Education including the State Council for Technical Education in the State.

Technical Cell was established under the Directorate of Higher  & technical Education in 1989 to deal with all matters relating to Technical Education and to conduct all Exams of the Existing Polytechnics including issue of Marksheets and Certificates to the pass-outs in the name of Mizoram State Council for Technical Education.


The lowest rung in the admistrative machinery called the Dealing hand initiated all cases and submitted to his immediate superior. And the immediate officer inturn examined and scrutinized the cases and further refer the matter to the higher authorities. Depending upon the importance of the matter, decision is taken at the appropriate level. And if the decision is to be made by Govt., it have been referred to the concerned Administrative Deptt for necessary decision.

As the Govt of Mizoram does not have a separate Manual for administration, the Department of Higher  & Technical Education followed Central Civil Secretariat Manual in the discharged of its functions.


1) UGC Regulations.
2) Mizoram Aided College Employees Rules, 1990
3) Mizoram Aided College Management Rules, 1998
4) Mizoram Aided College (Recurring  & Non-Recurring Grants-in-Aid) Rules 1990.)
5) Mizoram Aided College Provincialisation Rules, 1991.
6) Mizoram Aided College Employees (DCRG) Rules, 1990.
7) Mizoram Collegiate Hostel Rules, 1998.
8) The Mizoram (Award of Stipend to Pre-Service Trainees of Diploma Courses of Mizoram Hindi Training College) Rules 2005.
9) The Mizoram (Selection of Candidate for Higher Technical Studies) Rules 1999
10) Rules for admission to conducts of Examination of Diploma Course
11) AICTE guidelines under AICTE Act.
13) Enhancement of rate of Stipend/Book Grant awarded to prosecuting various technical courses of studies.
13) Schemes of Community Polytechnics norms and guidelines.
14) Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Scheme.
15) Post Matric Scholarship to student belonging to Scheduled Tribes:

These Rules are framed by the Govt. of India, Ministry of Social Justice  & Empowerment and funded by Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Govt. of India under Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Post Matric Scholarship belonging to students of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes as Grant-in-Aids in every year. Rates of maintenance allowances for each Groups of studies is revised by Govt. of India from time to time. Since, this grant-in-aid is received from Govt. of India, Ministry of Tribal Affairs in the last quarter of financial year in the previous years, disbursement of Post Matric Scholarship to the students of Scheduled Tribes belonging to the bonafide citizen of Mizoram States always delayed. From the year 2005-06, Ministry of Tribal Affairs practiced release of fund as two equal instalments for which Rs. 327.02 Lakhs released as 1st Instalment, but, this amount could not covered 50% of the total requirement projected by Govt. of Mizoram during 2005-06. Hence, this available fund will be disbursed to the students as ‘first comes first serve’ through their respective affiliated Institutions. Allotment Card is introduced since 2003-04 which shall be used upto the level of Post Graduate Courses.

16) Post Matric Merit Scholarship Rules:
These Rules are framed by Department of Higher & Technical Education, Govt. Of Mizoram on the proposal submitted by the Mizoram Scholarship Board, Directorate of Higher  & Technical Education on the basis of Post Matric Scholarship Rules made by the Govt. of India and funded by the State of Mizoram Budget from Non-Plan  & Plan as it deemed with the availability of funds.

17) The Mizoram Research Fellowship :
These Rules/Regulations are framed by the Department of Higher  & Technical Education, Govt. of Mizoram on the proposal made by the Mizoram Scholarship Board, Directorate of Higher  & Technical Education from time to time and funded by the State of Mizoram Budget under ‘other Charges’. This Rules relates to payment of Research Fellowship to the Junior Research Scholars (M.Phil) and Senior Research Scholars (Ph.D) and the Govt. of Mizoram formed the Selection Board headed by the Chairman who is also Commissioner/Secretary, Govt. of Mizoram, Education  & Human Resource Development, Higher  & Technical Education Department and Member Secretary who is also Joint Director-cum-Secretary, Mizoram Scholarship Board, Directorate of Higher  & Technical Education and other members represented from Mizoram University and Secretariat and Directorate. In every year fresh Research Scholars of 20 Nos. from Junior and Senior Research Scholars for a period of 1 (one) year for Junior M.Phil) and 2 (two) years for Senior (Ph.D) are selected which can be extendable for another 1 (one) year subject to availability of fund in the budget. Rates of

Research Fellowship is given to Junior/Senior Scholars as Rs. 900/- per month plus Rs. 5000/- per annum as Contingent Grant and Rs. 1,100/- per month plus Rs. 5000/- per annum as Continget Grant respectively.

18) Incentive Cash Award :
These Rules are framed by the Govt. of Mizoram, Department of Personnel  & Administrative Reforms. This cash Award is given to the candidates ho have successfully passed the Examination conducted by Union Public Service Commission like Civil Service (Prelim) and (main), CDSE, NDA etc., Allied Services like Central Police Service, Combined Medical Service, Indian Economics Service, Indian Statistical Service, Engineering Service, India Forest Services, Stenographer/Section Officer etc etc. This Cash Award carried Rs. 10,00/- for each examination for three times plus Coaching Course fee and Hostel Fees subject to a maximum of Rs. 26,000/- for both fees.

19. N.E.C Stipend and Book Grant :
These Rules are framed by the Govt. of India, North Eastern Council Secretariat and funded by themselves by means of Telegraphic Transfer through State Bank of India. This Scheme is called ‘Financial support to the students of North Eastern Region for Higher professional Courses’. The amount of Stipend and Book-Grant carried as follows :-

Sl. Name of Courses Stipend Book Grant
1. Diploma Rs. 600/- P.M Rs. 600/- P.A
2. Degree Level Rs. 700/- P.M Rs. 1000/- P.A
3. Post Degree Level Rs. 900/- P.M Rs. 1500/- P.A
4. M.Phil Rs. 1200/- P.M Rs. 2000/- P.A
5. Ph.D Rs. 1200/- P.M Rs. 3000/- P.A

Under this Scheme, North Eastern Council Secretariat, Shillong have approved Courses under various level mentioned above.

The main procedure of processing each case is done through files opened for the purposes. Therefore, documents that are held by the Higher  & Technical Education Deptt. or under its control are mainly files. No specific categories of document has been done.